Phone: 780-542-3740
Fax: 780-542-7607

5717-50th Avenue
Drayton Valley, Alberta
Canada T7A 1R8

Guidelines & Procedures

Directional Drill Frac-Out Prevention Procedure

When in the process of drilling a river, creek or any crossing with a directional drill the following procedure will be implemented:

  1. Prejob meeting with the customer to discuss the proposed job
  2. Consideration to ground analysis supplied by the customer
    1. Geological core samples
    2. Auger samples
    3. Mechanically excavated bellhole
    4. Surface indications
    5. History of area
  3. Frac-out contingency plan
  4. Frac-out contingency materials on hand
  5. Minimum and maximum depths proposed to avoid surface frac-outs or loss of circulation also giving consideration to pipeline radius restrictions.
  6. Since some areas are more sensitive than others, the customer will inform Markhoe crew as to any special restrictions involving land owners, water resources officials or any governing bodies
  7. Clean out passes as required
  8. Constant monitoring of drill area while drilling and reaming
  9. Monitoring While Drilling
    1. Visual monitoring of fluid returns and sump levels
    2. Constant watch along route while drilling

Supplies on Site

  • MSD sheets on site for all mud and additives
  • Containment materials on site
  • Sand or sawdust bags
  • Silt Fencing
  • Pumps and hoses on site
  • Vac Truck
  • Excavator

Supplies Sourced Out But Not on Site

  • Geotextile booms
  • Storage tank(s)
  • Light towers


  • Cease drilling immediately
  • Contain escaping fluids
  • Notify inspector of “frac-out”
  • Evaluate situation
  • Contact government agencies if necessary
  • Consider clean-up options
  • Complete clean-up
  • Address probable continuance options for drilling program:
    • Try to heal frac with additives?
    • Continue drilling while pumping drilling fluid back to rig?
    • Start new hole?
  •  Continue drilling with adjusted plan
  • Experience has shown it is more time and cost effective to contain and pump land fracs and to start a 2nd deeper bore if frac is coming up in the creek / river bottom

Lost Circulation Plan

As sometimes happens, circulation may slow down or stop all together without coming to surface.  Once it has been determined that fluid is not coming to surface, drilling will proceed with a widened frac watch area.